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Copyright © 2024. Texas Mattress Makers.
June 7, 2022 · 5 min read
Looking to mattress experts for guidance seems to be a thing of the past on most sales floors, as big-box mattress retailers continue to sell mattresses on a sight-unseen, one-size-fits-all sales model. Although online “bed in a box” companies and national mattress chains may offer their customers convenience, the truth is that the mattress shopping experience that they provide is not designed to help you get the best sleep possible, it’s to sell you a product. This is the difference between a mattress salesperson and a mattress expert.
Texas Mattress Makers is here to explain how working alongside mattress experts can make all of the difference in your shopping experience. Hear from our founder, Youval Meicler, about how buying from a mattress expert will help you get the best mattress and a better night’s sleep.
Why can buying a mattress feel like such a hassle? Going into any mattress store can be overwhelming, and if you don’t receive the proper help, you may end up purchasing a mattress that is not right for you!
For example, if you ask a normal salesperson at any big mattress retailer, “Which mattress should I buy?” they might point you to their newest, most expensive model in hopes that they’ll make a profit. Or, they will give you a marketing explanation of the mattress because they are not actually involved in the mattress construction and production process. Even the latest and greatest in mattress technology is not always the best for you. It’s important to find a mattress retailer that is dedicated to helping you find the best mattress for your needs.
You need guidance from a mattress expert who has extensive mattress knowledge, can make informative bed recommendations, and cares about your mattress shopping experience, not just making a profit.
Here is the truth: not every mattress salesperson is a mattress expert. In order to call someone an expert, they need to know everything there is to know about the products they are selling.
Big mattress retailers may employ competent salespeople who call themselves experts, but do they have extensive knowledge about every product on their showroom floor? Do they know how their mattresses are manufactured, how the mattresses operate individually, and how they can benefit the customer? The answer is likely no. They may have enough mattress knowledge needed to get you to make a purchase, but they cannot educate you on why a certain mattress is the best for you, specifically.
The team at Texas Mattress Makers is made up of mattress experts that are trained to know the ins and outs of every component, material, and process used to create our handmade mattresses. This unmatched expertise provides an informative and truthful mattress shopping experience for every customer so that you can leave with the best mattress for your needs.
If you manage to sleep an average of eight hours a night, that is a third of your life. If you live to be 75, you will spend approximately 25 years on a mattress. When you think of it that way, choosing the right mattress seems like a critical decision! But, how do you do that?
A mattress expert is the most capable person to trust when shopping for that perfect mattress fit. In fact, they won’t just give you bed recommendations, they’ll help you find a mattress that will help you achieve the best night’s sleep possible. While most big mattress retailers believe that mattresses are one-size-fits-all, it’s our philosophy that every sleeper has a unique set of sleep needs that can only be satisfied by the right mattress for that person.
The mattress experts at Texas Mattress Makers take into consideration your sleeping habits, your sleep preferences, and your physical attributes. Have you ever thought about which type of mattress is best for your body? We bet you haven’t! We have knowledge on topics that most retailers don’t even think of! When you buy a mattress, your needs matter. Our experts know exactly what questions to ask to find the best mattress for you…and only you.
When you visit a Texas Mattress Makers showroom, you are greeted by one of our experts, not a salesperson. They take the time to get to know you by asking questions about what it is you’re looking for in a mattress. These questions could include learning more about your sleeping habits, your preferred comfort level, if you sleep with a partner, and if you have any medical conditions that may need to be taken into consideration.
From there, our expert will have you try out a number of different mattresses in our showroom to see what you find to be the most comfortable and supportive. You can try as many mattresses as you like. Our showroom products are already “broken-in” so that you can get a better idea of what that mattress will actually feel like once you have slept on it for a few weeks.
The best part? If you don’t find anything that suits your needs perfectly, you can work with our mattress experts to create a customized mattress tailored to your preferences so that you can achieve the best sleep quality possible for less money. We are here to make your mattress shopping experience as seamless and stress-free as possible. That is the Texas Mattress Makers difference.
When you shop with a mattress expert from Texas Mattress Makers, you are receiving a more informed and quality shopping experience. At the end of the day, our experts are here to help and educate you on how to get the best mattress for your needs. We’re not here to simply sell you a mattress — we are here to help you sleep better overall. You can put your trust in our mattress experts to go above and beyond for you.
You can shop our quality mattresses online by comfort level, mattress type, mattress size, or budget, or come and visit any of our convenient Houston-area locations today! If you’d like to speak with an expert while you shop online, call 713-766-4612.
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