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Snooze News Ep. 22: How To Sleep Cooler

July 15, 2019  ·  2 min read

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Sleep Cooler with a new mattress

The Coolest Game Changer

If you’re like us and are braving the humidity of Houston in July, you’re likely turning down the AC and turning up the fans. Like most Houstonians, you’re seeing an increasing amount of ‘how to stay cool in bed’ advertisements. Rather than turning your house into a meat-locker, or buying an expensive fan that circulates air under your sheets (that just seems awkward!), we are excited to introduce a new product that will change the way you sleep!

On top of every mattress is a mattress-topper or quilt. It’s the nice piece of soft fabric that is often colored and sewn in an elaborate pattern as a marketing tool to increase the perceived value of the mattress. Nearly all quilts are made the same – the same materials, patterns, thickness, etc. But now there’s a game-changer. A new piece of technology that will keep you cooler at night by eliminating heat transfer from your body into the comfort layer of your mattress. We are proud to introduce to you the Ice Blue, Cooling Technology Quilt.

Ice Blue Cooling Technology is sewn throughout the quilting of the mattress topper to help keep you temperature-neutral throughout the night.

What’s the Technology?

This is a phase changing material that helps regulate your body temperature as you sleep at night. It does not actually make you sleep cold, but it helps prevent your body heat from being absorbed into your mattress components which makes you hot. In short, the Cooling Technology Quilt isolates and wicks away your naturally occurring body heat before it is able to penetrate the comfort and support layers of your mattress. Ultimately this new product keeps you cooler while you sleep and better rested.

Want to learn more? Watch the video below as Youval explains the Cooling Technology Quilt in detail. The Cooling Technology Quilt can be sewn to fit any of the mattresses produced at Texas Mattress Makers.

If you have questions or would like to sleep cooler tonight, visit one of our showrooms in East Downtown Houston and Katy, or call us 7-days a week in Houston or Katy.

Snooze News
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