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Snooze News

Snooze News Ep. 35: 2020 Mattress Industry Trends

February 4, 2020  ·  2 min read

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With over 40 years of mattress making experience, we’re still going to the Las Vegas Market to continue our education in the mattress industry. Why? Well, you’ll have to keep reading…

Let’s cut-to-the-chase…what did we learn at this year’s Las Vegas Market?

Trending Mattress Industry Trends

  • Bed-in-a-Box: that’s right, the industry is still trying to figure out how to put the ‘perfect’ bed in a box. And, they’ll still confused as to why they see so many returns and upset customers after just a short while sleeping on the ‘perfect’ mattress. Let us remind you, there is no one-size-fits-all mattress. Here at Texas Mattress Makers we want to fit you into the proper mattress that will help you sleep well. It’s not about a price-point, up-selling or cross-selling you – it’s all about making you comfortable. Skip the ‘marketing fad’ and come see us – you’ll be glad you did.
  • Heat Dissipating Toppers: the one product we did order at the Las Vegas is an innovative mattress topper (cover) that blocks your body heat from penetrating the comfort and support layers of your mattress. What does that mean? It means that you’ll sleep cooler at night. Let us be clear, this product does not cool you down – it simply does not allow your body (the heat source) to warm the bed under you. We’ll be testing this product over the next few months before we introduce it on our mattresses for you to purchase. Stay tuned, warm sleepers!
  • Busting the Marketing Myths: last but not least, we heard a lot of marketing talk that doesn’t make any sense and won’t make you comfortable. Sure, it sounds great and the ‘technology’ is impressive when verbalized. The issue is that most ‘new’ materials and products are simply repackaged products that didn’t boost sales last time around. You’ll have to watch the episode to hear Youval’s take on ‘marketing’ – hang on to your hats, it’s full of ‘passion’.

Watch the episode below for the full break down (plus some great impromptu singing) of what we learned.

Ready to make the change to a Texas Mattress Maker’s mattress? We’re here for you – or – visit us online 24/7 at

Visit or call us at: Houston – (713) 341-6252; Katy – (832) 437-5646; The Woodlands – (832) 219-9698

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