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Snooze News

Snooze News Ep. 43: The Gift of Mobility

June 17, 2020  ·  2 min read

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You’ve heard us talk about the importance of sleep for many years. But what if there’s a cause more important than that? A cause that will forever change the life of a family with a single gift. Well this week we’re doing something a little different because there is something more important than sleep. The cause we’re talking about is mobility and the gift is a wheelchair-accessible van that will allow a family with a child with special needs the ability to enter and exit the van with ease and efficiency. That’s a cause that we believe in. That’s a cause that we had the honor and privilege of participating in through our partners at Houston Children’s Charity.

Most of us take for granted that ability to quickly get in our car and go to the store, restaurant, doctor, movie theater or park. But what if that meant lifting a member of your family in and out of the car? A car that isn’t designed to fit them or their wheelchair. We can tell you – it’s not only difficult, but it’s unsafe…and that’s where the Greater Houston community comes together to solve that issue for as many families as possible.

This year, the team at Texas Mattress Makers joined forces with the generous young professionals of Young Houstonians for Houston Children’s Charity to donate a van and change a life.

Houston Children’s Charity’s Chariots for Children program provides safe and efficient transportation to families of disabled, wheelchair-bound children through handicapped accessible vans. Since 1996, the charity has awarded over 180 vans to local families in need.

Thank you Houston Children’s Charity and Young Houstonians for Houston Children’s Charity (YHHCC) for allowing Texas Mattress Makers to play a role in giving back to these families.

Watch the Video for the Family’s Reaction

For more information about this program visit Houston Children’s Charity.

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