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5 Reasons Why You’re Waking Up Tired

March 15, 2023  ·  6 min read

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Man waking up in bed rubbing his eyes, tired.

Waking up tired can make starting the day feel impossible. Although the feeling of waking up tired is a common occurrence for many sleepers, it can be frustrating to feel exhausted after a full night’s rest. If you’re someone who can relate to the phrase “I never wake up feeling refreshed,” you may benefit from reading this article. 

If you want to reap the benefits of good-quality sleep, you’ll need to examine your daily habits, your sleep hygiene, and your sleeping environment to get to the bottom of why you are waking up tired.

Can’t Get to Sleep?

1. You’re experiencing sleep inertia 

Here is the most common — and most natural — reason you’re waking up tired: sleep inertia. Sleep inertia refers to that temporary feeling of disorientation right after waking up. Because your brain doesn’t immediately begin functioning as you awaken, sleep inertia is hard to avoid. Rest assured that the grogginess that you feel is completely normal, but it’s important to evaluate how long this state lasts day-to-day.

The average adult who gets 7-9 hours of sleep per night is said to experience sleep inertia for approximately 30-60 minutes after waking up, which can help you to plan your morning routine. However, if you are sleep deprived, this state of disorientation can last up to two hours. This is why getting quality sleep every night is important. The ability to wake up, shake off the sleep inertia, and start your tasks can only happen if your body is getting the rest it needs to function properly. 

2. Blue light exposure too close to bedtime

Whether we’re watching the newest episode of our favorite television show late at night or scrolling through social media until we fall asleep, we’re all addicted to screens. Unfortunately, these simple pleasures can have major ramifications if we continue to indulge in them too close to bedtime. Some people believe that screens are harmless before bedtime, but science is able to debunk that sleep myth quickly. 

Devices like phones and televisions give off what is known as blue light, a light that can be harmful to human eyes with excessive exposure. Blue light is also proven to trick our brains into thinking it is daytime by blocking our brain’s production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Screen time too close to bedtime can make it difficult for you to fall and stay asleep. 

In order to avoid a day filled with fatigue and low productivity, try to stay away from screens 1-2 hours before bedtime to allow your brain to tell your body it’s time to sleep. Instead, read a book or take a warm bath to invoke relaxation.

3. Poor health habits

Realizing that you could be waking up tired every day as a result of poor habits is a hard truth to swallow. Some people, regardless of whether they keep a consistent sleep schedule, can still find themselves feeling fatigued. With a closer look, the signs may point to the overall health choices you make every day. Here are some signs your daily habits are lowering your sleep quality:

  1. Dehydration: Your body can lose a lot of fluids throughout the day. If those fluids are not properly replenished with water, your body can feel weak and fatigued. Replace sugary energy drinks and caffeinated beverages with a glass of water. You’ll sleep (and feel overall) better.
  2. Not exercising: Choosing to skip the gym can have more impacts on your health than just your weight. Studies have shown that regular exercise correlates to higher sleep quality and can lower your chances of developing insomnia. 
  3. Poor diet choices: Although the “food coma” would have us believe differently, eating large amounts of food can negatively impact your sleep quality. Poor diets that are high in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates can cause your blood sugar to spike and trigger insomnia. These choices can prevent you from getting the deep, restorative sleep that your body needs.
  4. Too much nicotine, alcohol, or caffeine close to bedtime: Nicotine and alcohol are substances that are proven to disrupt your body’s natural sleep cycle — for example, nicotine reduces your sleep duration by ~40 minutes. According to the Sleep Foundation, you should avoid caffeine at least eight hours before bedtime, avoid alcohol four hours before bedtime, and quit smoking altogether (just a tip from us).  

4. Sleep disorders

Ask yourself, are you waking up tired because of external factors or is there potentially an underlying issue at play? If you constantly have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up refreshed, it is possible that you could be dealing with a sleep disorder.

Sleep disorders, including insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome, are fairly common conditions that disrupt your sleep cycle. These disorders could be genetic or may have developed due to other underlying health conditions or even from taking certain medications.

Speaking with a health professional who specializes in sleep disorders can help you pinpoint exactly what is causing your sleep problems. However, you may want to take a look at the very foundation (literally) of your sleep quality: your mattress. 

5. You’re having mattress problems 

Here is the truth: even if you sleep for 7-9 hours, avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed, prioritize relaxation over your phone, and treat any underlying sleep issues, you will not get the rest you need if you’re sleeping on a bad mattress. To put it simply, a poor-quality mattress can not give you good-quality sleep. 

Expert Tip: If you’re at the start of your mattress-buying journey, check out our mattress expert’s top picks in our showroom for quality recommendations.

If your current mattress is exhibiting any of the following bad mattress symptoms including…

  • Sagging (apart from natural body impressions)
  • Creaking and other noises
  • The wrong comfort level (too hard or too soft can cause pain)
  • Not made for your unique body type
  • Causes you to sleep cold or hot (look into our mattress cooling technology)

…it may be time to invest in a mattress that can satisfy your unique sleep necessities. You, as an individual sleeper, have a specific set of needs that can only be met with the right mattress. That is where we come in. 

Waking Up Tired? Wake Up Refreshed With a Mattress That is Made For You!

At Texas Mattress Makers, we turn statements like “I’m waking up tired” and “I never wake up feeling refreshed” into “I’m getting the best sleep of my life!” simply by matching our customers with their perfect mattresses. We hand-make all of our mattresses in our Downtown Houston factory using only the highest-quality materials and components to create mattresses that promote better sleep for all. 

Ready to wake up feeling rested? Head into any of our Texas Mattress Makers showrooms and speak with an expert today to gain a solid sleep foundation.

More Helpful Articles by Texas Mattress Makers:

Sleep Health
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